2023 Highlights

In a public service announcement this week, Bloomington Township highlights its services provided in 2023. Township efforts included food assistance, emergency financial assistance, burial assistance, and a new representative payee program. Over the past ten years, assistance given divided into the following percentages: rent and mortgage payments at 63%, utility bills at 18%, burials at 16%, healthcare at 2%, and 1% as other sorts of assistance.

A lesser-known activity of townships is to care for local historic cemeteries, and Bloomington Township funded the cleaning and resetting of monuments and a fence replacement at cemeteries in its territory. 

Partnerships with local non-profits is always a priority to enhance the township’s impact with other services like legal help, childcare, and emergency shelter. Bloomington Township supported renovations at  Community Kitchen Express and helped to found a project addressing homelessness called Heading Home of South Central Indiana.

Through careful stewardship of public dollars, the township positively impacts the quality of life for its residents by serving as a vehicle for neighbors helping neighbors. For more information about the programs described on our website and Facebook page, please give us a call at 812.336.4976.